Is OpenAI Safe? Concerns That Bother Us.

You must have heard of the famous world of OpenAI, and if you haven’t, then you are probably living under a rock. The use of this platform skyrocketed earlier this year. From asking to write a poem on Bengaluru on ChatGPT to executing a detailed Python code, OpenAI has welcomed everyone in the AI domain. While we are on the web, one thing that concerns us all is our privacy. Data breaches have led to people becoming skeptical of using this platform. Is it safe, after all? We shall find that out in this article.

Is OpenAI Safe?

We tried and tested its security to understand how the system works. When we created a new login account and chose a password, a message prompted us stating: “This password was involved in a data breach. Use another one.” This means that it cares about your safety and security, but what got our attention was how it knows which password was involved in the data breach. One possibility could be that every time you attempt to log in, it runs a scan of your passwords and refreshes its database of leaked credentials.

Many users are uncomfortable sharing the mobile numbers that the website asks you while creating a new account. There is no option to skip it too. Why do they collect our Information? Let us see that now.

Why does OpenAI collect our Information?

Here are the reasons why they collect our Information:

  • To evade any threat and misconduct of their Service that could jeopardize their systems, architecture, networks, etc.
  • To keep in touch and communicate with their users.
  • To abide by legal requirements and court orders and safeguard users’ rights, privacy, safety, and the property of their affiliates, users, or other third parties.
  • For research purposes and developing new services and programs.
  • To improve and maintain their services.

So, as we mentioned above that they ask for your phone numbers, that is because of security reasons. This lets them verify your account and ensure that the platform remains secure. They do not misuse your phone numbers and only need them to confirm that you are a genuine user, which keeps the platform safe.

They do not sell your data to anybody or on the dark web; they mention disclosing their users’ Information to third-party affiliates, business transfers, vendors, or in case the law requires it.

You do have rights under which you shall be protected, such as access, updating, or deletion of your account on the platform is all under your control. You can withdraw or object to using your Information on the platform at any time if it is used for legitimate interests.

Here is a glance at a statement provided on their website:

“We’ll retain your Personal Information for only as long as we need to provide our Service to you or for other legitimate business purposes such as resolving disputes, safety and security reasons, or complying with our legal obligations. How long we retain Personal Information will depend on a number of factors, such as the amount, nature, and sensitivity of the Information, the potential risk of harm from unauthorized use or disclosure, our purpose for processing the Information, and any legal requirements.”

Is Open AI Secure?

OpenAI complies with GDPR and CCPA. We can execute a Data Processing Agreement if your organization or use case requires it.

The OpenAI API has been evaluated by a third-party security auditor and is SOC 2 Type 2 compliant.

The OpenAI API undergoes annual third-party penetration testing, which identifies security weaknesses before they can be exploited by malicious actors.

This is what Microsoft says about OpenAI security; Microsoft hosts OpenAI services & is a key investor in the company.

Your prompts (inputs) and completions (outputs), your embeddings, and your training data:

  • are NOT available to other customers.
  • are NOT available to OpenAI.
  • are NOT used to improve OpenAI models.
  • are NOT used to improve any Microsoft or 3rd party products or services.
  • are NOT used for automatically improving Azure OpenAI models for your use in your resource (The models are stateless, unless you explicitly fine-tune models with your training data).
  • Your fine-tuned Azure OpenAI models are available exclusively for your use.

Source: OpenAI & Microsoft


To sum up, it can be deemed safe, but provide your Information at your own risk. We recommend reading their privacy and policy. Their terms are transparent, and they ensure that the users are aware.



I. Does OpenAI prioritize safety?

Yes, OpenAI does prioritize its users’ safety and security. Everything they have mentioned is open and transparent to their users, and they ensure that their users are A to Z aware of their security working.

II. Is OpenAI backed by Microsoft?

Yes, as of now, OpenAI is backed by Microsoft. They have a partnership, and the deal was $10 billion.

III. Is OpenAI a threat to Google?

It can be a threat to Google as their ChatGPT can easily give you answers to all your queries and go a step beyond Google.

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