Is Midjourney Safe? Let’s find out!

Cybersecurity has become a major concern for all internet users in today’s digital age. Protecting personal information and ensuring online safety is of utmost importance. With the growing dependence on artificial intelligence (AI) in various aspects of our lives, one question that arises is whether Midjourney AI, an emerging player in the AI industry, is safe to use.

Let’s find out!

Green FlagsRed Flags
Secure Data – A robust data security system that ensures user data’s confidentialityPublic Images – Images generated by users are publicly visible to other Midjourney users in lower plans. So basically, anyone can use your images without you even knowing about it.
Copyright License to reuse, modify and sell images – If you have a paid plan you can modify reuse and sell images.Non-Exclusive License – What this means is anybody else can also sell your images/reuse them, you don’t actually own the license. Midjourney does. However, with paid plans, you do get ownership to the creations.
Transparency – They have a very detailed TOS and privacy policy page in which they disclose everything about the data handling and usage.Dependance on Discord – What this means is anybody else can also sell your images/reuse them, you don’t actually own the license. Midjourney does. However with paid plans, you do get ownership to the creations.
Accountability – This is a big company which has disclosed its physical address( South Sanfrancisco ), staff and CEO. We can rest assured knowing that they follow all legal requirements in the USA.

Data Security & Usage

To address this concern, it is essential to evaluate Midjourney’s data security measures, its compliance with industry regulations, and the reliability of its AI algorithms. Midjourney has implemented a robust data security system that ensures user data’s confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Here is what the AI-generating platform gathers when you use it with your personal account:

  • To deliver, maintain, and enhance their service, including tracking its use.
  • To improve their services, analyze the data, usage trends, and more.
  • The creation, execution, and performance of the purchase agreement for the goods, services, or contracts you may have purchased from them. 
  • To update you about any latest upgrades and keep you abreast with the latest news.
  • If they undergo a merger, divestiture, restructuring, reorganization, dissolution, or other sale or transfer of all or a portion of their assets.
  • In connection with or during talks of any merger, sale of company assets, financing, or purchase of all or a portion of their business by another firm, they may share or transfer your personal information.
  • To get in touch with you and connect with you over the mail, calls, SMS, or any other medium.

What Do They Promise About Users’ Security?

They assure the following things to their users:

  • Your data can be used in a court proceeding or in any other law-related work.
  • Without your consent, your information will not be given to anybody or sold to the dark web, etc. (except when the law requires it.)
  • They are transparent about their policies and services.

You can read their terms here.

They claim to take user data security and privacy very seriously and say all artwork and identifying data are kept private and are only used to enhance the AI models on the platform.

Your creations are public

One of the key concerns for using Midjourney can be its dependence on Discord. Midjourney only works on Discord, and everyone can see your creations by default. And since mid-journey has the ownership of images created under a free plan, you cannot stop others from using those images. You can alternatively add the mid-journey bot to your own server and use it from there.

Final Takeaway

To conclude, Midjourney is safe. However, other users can see the art you generate unless you use a private discord server. One should also be aware of their copyright policy and privacy policy.


I. Can I use Midjourney for free?

You will get a free trial of the service when you start using it for the first time. You get to use it for roughly 25 image generations. After then, using Midjourney will require you to get a premium subscription. 

II. Can I use Midjourney without Discord?

As of now, it is entirely on Discord. So, you need to have an account on Discord for it to work. You can even add it to your server. There are no software needed or complicated libraries that you need to run on the command prompt, as Discord is the only way to access Midjourney.

III. Is Midjourney better than Dalle 2 ?

Midjourney focuses more on a variety of artistic styles, and DALL-E 2 produces more realistic-looking photos. SO, DALL-E 2 may be better than Midjourney.

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